Thursday 9 April 2015

How to Run multiple Whatsapp accounts on your Android phone.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messenger app that also lets you share pictures, videos, music files and so on. By now, everyone of us have WhatsApp in our smartphones. I prefer WhatsApp among other messaging apps due to its simplicity and instant messaging service.

Although each and everything is quite handy in WhatsApp, but "What’s the most disturbing part that you came across?" For me it is:

If you run dual SIM in your Android smartphones, you might be willing to enjoy two separate WhatsApp account for your two different telephone numbers on your smartphone. Isn’t it?

However, this is where WhatsApp puts limitations on its users. WhatsApp users can not use more than one WhatsApp account on their mobile devices.

However, you are probably wondering:

"How do I find an excellent solution for this problem that actually works?"

Today, I am introducing you two different Android apps -- OGWhatsApp and SwitchMe -- that allows users to run multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single smartphone.

OGWhatsApp is an Android app that allows you to use two separate WhatsApp accounts on your single Android device without any need to root your Android device.

While running your normal WhatsApp account on your smartphone, you can follow some simple steps (below) in order to run a different WhatsApp account on the OGWhatsApp.

Follow these simple steps to go:

Step 1: Take a complete backup of your WhatsApp data and restore it.
Step 2: Delete all the WhatsApp data by going to Settings>apps>WhatsApp>Clear Data.
Step 3: Rename the /sdcard/WhatsApp directory to /sdcard/OGWhatsApp. You can use any file manager for Android to do this task, or from Windows.
Step 4: Uninstall your original WhatsApp app from your Android device.
Step 5: Now install OGWhatsApp in your Android smartphone.
Step 6: Once installed, remember to verify your old number that was previously registered with the original WhatsApp to OGWhatsApp. That is it.
Step 7: Now re-install the official WhatsApp for your other number from the play store.

This is crazy:

Enjoy two separate WhatsApp accounts for both telephone numbers on your single Android device without even rooting your Android device.

SwitchMe is another Android app that allows you to have two separate WhatsApp accounts on a single Android device, but this app requires your Android smartphone be rooted.

Here’s the deal:

Switchme multiple account app allows you to log in and out of multiple user spaces however it needs root access to do this. However, users cannot access the other profile from their current profile because each account within the multiple profiles will have its settings, applications, and data.

Follow these simple steps to go:

Step 1: Root your Android device.
Step 2: Make sure that you have WhatsApp app installed on your smartphone.
Step 3: Install SwitchMe Multiple accounts on your smartphone.
Step 4: Run SwitchMe Multiple accounts, it will ask for Superuser request that you need to grant.
Step 5: Now create a user profile with your name in SwitchMe app. This profile will be an administrator account containing all the current apps and settings, and will also reflect your WhatsApp profile that is already installed on your smartphone.
Step 6: Now create another profile using a different name by tapping on the Create Profile button in SwitchMe app, and then choose the Switch option by selecting this account.
Step 7: Now your smartphone will restart automatically and once it is ready to use, install official WhatsApp again from Google Play Store and register it for the different phone number. That is it.


Now you can easily use multiple WhatsApp accounts on your single Android smartphone. The Free version of SwitchMe Multiple accounts app allows you to use only two user account.

So, I have made available solutions for both users who want to use multiple WhatsApp accounts on their smartphone without rooting their Android device and with rooting their Android device respectively.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tips TO Prevent A DDoS Attack!!

 DDoS Attack

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are always in top headlines worldwide, as they are plaguing websites in banks, and virtually of almost every organization having a prominent online presence. The main cause behind the proliferation of DDoS attacks is that there is a very low-cost that the attacker has to incur to put such attack in motion. Fortunately, today various prevention methods have been developed to tackle such attacks. Before delving further into understanding about the ways to prevent DDoS attack, let’s first understand what exactly a DDoS attack is!

Understanding DDOS Attack

 DDoS Attack bot
A DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack is an attempt made by attackers to make computers’ resources inaccessible to its anticipated user. In order to carry out a DDOS attack the attackers never uses their own system; rather they create a network of zombie computers often called as a “Botnet” – that is a hive of computers, to incapacitate a website or a web server.

Let’s understand the basic idea! Now, the attacker notifies all the computers present on the botnet to keep in touch with a particular site or a web server, time and again. This increases traffic on the network that causes in slowing down the speed of a site for the intended users. Unfortunately, at times the traffic can be really high that could even lead to shutting a site completely.

3 Basic Tips to Prevent a DDoS Attack

There are several ways to prevent the DDOS attack; however, here in this guest post I’ll be covering three basic tips that will help you to protect your website from the DDoS attack.
1. Buy More Bandwidth.
 DDoS Attack bandwidth
One of the easiest methods is to ensure that you have sufficient bandwidth on your web. You’ll be able to tackle lots of low-scale DDOS attacks simply by buying more bandwidth so as to service the requests. How does it help? Well, distributed denial of service is a nothing more than a game of capacity. Let’s suppose you have 10,000 computer systems each distributing 1 Mbps directed towards your way. This means you’re getting 10 GB of data that is hitting your web server every second. Now, that’s causes a lot of traffic!

So to avoid such issue, you need to apply the same rule intended for normal redundancy. According to this technique, if you wish to have more web servers just multiply around diverse datacenters and next make use of load balancing. By spreading your traffic to various servers will help you balance the load and will most likely create large space adequate to handle the incessant increase in traffic.
However, there’s a problem with this method that is buying more bandwidth can be a costly affair. And as you’ll know that the current DDoS attacks are getting large, and can be a lot bigger exceeding your budget limit.
2. Opt for DDoS Mitigation Services.
A lot of network or Internet-service providers render DDoS mitigation capabilities. Look for an internet service provider having the largest DDoS protection and mitigation network, automated tools, and a pool of talented anti-DDoS technicians with the wherewithal to take action in real-time as per the varying DDoS attack characteristics. A viable alternative is to utilize a DDoS prevention appliance, which is specifically intended to discover and prevent distributed denial-of-service attacks.
3. Restricted Connectivity.
 DDoS Attack
In case you have computer systems that are connected to the web directly, a better idea is to properly install/configure your routers and firewall so as to limit the connectivity. For an instance, while receiving some data from a client machine you can only allow traffic to pass from the machine only on a few chosen ports (like HTTP, POP, SMTP etc.) via the firewall.

Wrapping Up!

Websites are largely getting attacked by hackers every second. Denial-of-service attack is insanely getting huge and is creating a lot of problems for business organizations having strong online vicinity. In this guest post you’ll not only understand what a DDoS attack actually means, but will also come to know about a few type of methods to prevent DDoS attacks. Aforementioned are three tips that I’ll recommend you to run through to at least understand where to get started towards building a resilient web network with chances of surviving a DDoS attack.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Hide your files in jpeg File without any Software

You will only need to download WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about

Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed.

1.Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it in
   C:\hidden - RECOMMENDED).

2.Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the
   same directory (C:\hidden).

3.Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in

4.Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type ‘cmd‘). Make your working
   directory C:\hidden.

5.Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg + secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now,
   logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and
   output.jpg is the file which contains both.

6.Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:\hidden. Open it
  (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the
  same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive...

video demo:--> and

Change any folder to Recycle Bin (for data security)

Change any folder to Recycle Bin (for data security)

For changing any folder to recycle bin type these lines in notepad:

And save as: Desktop.ini  in your folder( which you want to change into recycle bin ) to
change recycle bin.

We save desktop.ini in  D:\data2 folder and then we open dos prompt and type the above
command, which will convert the data2 folder into recycle bin.
D:\> attrib +a +r +s data2 /s /d

Sunday 20 April 2014



Hello friends, welcome to worlds one of the best Ethical Hacking Teaching blog online. Today we will learn basics of Database Hacking, how to hack database online. In this tutorial we will learn what should we know prior to begin database hacking like what is database? Different types of Databases? What is Query? What all things we must know before starting to hack a Database? Most of us have heard things daily in the news that some website is Hacked? 1000's of customers crucial information is leaked. Millions of credit card information stolen by some Hacking Group. What is that? Well that is nothing just Hackers have owned the Database of the Company or website. In layman terms, Database is the heart of any Website. Like our heart pumps in blood in our veins similarly Queries flow though the database to and fro on all requests. Similarly like heart, if we own the database that means we have captured everything because its the database where everything small piece of information is stored. So Hackers only rule should be forget the rest OWN the database.  Lets learn what all things hacker should know or have before hacking any database online.

Hacking Databases Online
Hacking Databases Online 

What Is a Database?

A database is a system of software to store and retrieve information in a structured format. Early databases were flat files, kind of like a big Excel file. As databases got bigger and bigger, this simple structure proved inefficient.

As a result, a scientist at IBM, Dr. Codd, developed a structure that came to be known as the relational database model. It is this model that about 97% of all databases now use, and this includes all the major software companies.

The basics of the relational model is that data should be placed in separate tables with unique keys that link the tables to avoid data duplication and to ease the retrieval of this data.

The Structure of a Database

This relational database model links data from separate tables by using a shared column or "key". The diagram below is of a simple relational database model where all the tables are linked by the column "ID". Structure sample is shown below:

Basics of Database Hacking
Relational Structure of Tables

Major Vendors in the Database Market

The enterprise database market has multiple vendors offering products that can accomplish the same task, but in different ways. The major players in this market are:

Oracle : They are the behemoth in this market with nearly 50% market share. They own multiple different database software products, including their namesake and MySQL.

Microsoft SQL Server : Microsoft entered this market in the early '90s by teaming up with Sybase to develop an enterprise database offering. As a result, MS SQL Server and Sybase still share many similarities. Originally, Microsoft was only a player in the small business market, but is slowly gaining traction in the larger enterprise market.

MySQL : This is an open-source database that you will find behind so many web sites, in part, because it's free.

IBM DB2 : IBM was the original enterprise database provider and made many the major developments in database design, but like everything about IBM, it has been in decline in recent decades.

Other major vendors include Sybase, SAS, PostgreSQL (open source), and many others. Generally, like any hack, we need to do good recon to determine the software and version to be successful as most of the database hacks are vendor specific.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

When IBM developed the early databases, they also developed a programming language for managing and manipulation this data. They called it "Structured Query Language" or as it is generally known, SQL.

This is a simple language that uses English words in similar ways that humans who speak English use them. For instance...

SELECT means "select some data from columns in a table"
FROM means "get the data from this table"
WHERE means select the data that meets this condition (lastname = 'Singh').

Furthermore, words such as UPDATE, INSERT, and DROP mean in SQL exactly what you would expect them to mean.

SQL is not picky about syntax, but it is picky about logic. Although best practice is to CAPITALIZE all keywords (SELECT, FROM, WHERE), it's not required. In addition, white space is ignored. All but Microsoft, though, require that a SQL statement to end in a semicolon (;). On Microsoft products, it's optional.

SQL is standardized by ANSI, but this standardization only includes about 80% of the language or the core of SQL. Software publishers are free to add additional commands and features that are not part of the standard. This can sometimes make it difficult to transport SQL code between DBMS. It also makes it critical to do good reconnaissance on the database to know the manufacturer and the version before attacking as the attacks are often specific to the manufacturer and the version.

Each of the DBMS can be used from a command line, but each has its own GUI. Recently, MySQL released a new GUI called Workbench as seen in the previous section.

Oracle, Microsoft, and the others have similar GUIs that allow the administrator to access their systems.

Basic SQL Query

When we need to extract data from the database, it's said that we are "querying" the database. As databases are repositories for data, the ability to extract or query data is among the most important functions. As a hacker, we want to extract data, so the query is critical to getting the goods.

The basic structure of the query looks like this:

SELECT <columns>
FROM <table>
WHERE <conditions>

This statement says "give me the data in the columns listed in the SELECT statement from the table that comes after the FROM keyword but only give me the rows that meet the conditions that come after the WHERE keyword."

So, if we wanted to get first name, last name, username, and password from the staff table for employees with the last name of "Singh" we could construct a statement like this:

SELECT first_name, last_name, username, password
FROM staff
WHERE last_name = 'Singh";

SQL Injection

SQL injection is the most common database attack and is probably responsible for the largest dollar volume of losses from cyber crime and advanced persistent threat (APT).

It basically involves putting SQL commands in the data forms of webpages that connect to a database. These forms then send these SQL commands back to the database and the database will either authenticate the user (yes, authentication is a database function) or give up the target data.

In future tutorials, we will spend quite a bit of time using SQL injection tools and executing SQL injection attacks.

Other Vulnerabilities

Besides showing you how to do SQL injection, we will examine some of the other of vulnerabilities in databases. These involve authentication, using the database to compromising the operating system, and several others.

Now that we having covered the basics things related to databases, in future tutorials I will show you how to hack into these databases, so keep coming back!

If you have any queries ask me in form of comments. 


Remote sharing is nowadays on its peak, people use remote sharing to provide live support or for sharing screens. Most of us always use third party software's for sharing or controlling remote systems using software's like Teamviewer or Radmin etc.  Today i am going to teach you guys how to connect any two or as many as windows PC through remote without using any third party tool like team viewer etc. So lets learn how to share screens without any third party tool.

Windows Remote assistance without any external software
Windows Remote assistance without any external software

As we all knows Windows OS is  full of hidden programs that are only limited to developer or geeks. Today we are going to learn about MSRA (windows remote assistance) executable. MSRA is windows inbuilt remote assistance program using which you can control remote pc's, share remote screens, provide remote support and much more. Lets learn how to use MSRA for remote sharing.

Steps to Share or Control Remote PC using MSRA:

1. First of all click on startup and type command "MSRA" and press enter as shown below:

Type msra in search option
Type msra in search option

2. Now you will see screen like below having title "Windows Remote Assistance" , there are two options displayed:

a. Invite someone you trust to help you : Choose this option if you want to share your screen with someone.
b. Help someone who invited you : Choose this option if you want to control someone others PC remotely.

Click on Option a "Invite someone you trust to help you" to share your screen:

invite someone to provide remote assistance
Select shown option to continue

Once you click the above option then you will see below panel with multiple options:

Options displayed for Windows remote assistance
Options displayed for Windows remote assistance

Now you can see three different options :
a. Send this invitation as file : On clicking this option you can save the invitation file and send it to anyone from which you require help. After saving the file another window will open containing the password. You have to provide that password to person whom you want to connect to your machine.

b. Use email to send an invitation: You can send invitation directly via email but it requires email client on your machine to send email like outlook etc.

c. Use Easy connect: Another method to directly connect two PC is using Easy connect but this require some basic settings at your routers end i.e. If the computer has IPv6 disabled or is behind a NAT router that blocks Teredo traffic, the Easy Connect option will be unavailable.

Now once you have send the  remote assistance invitation file to user, he can connect to your PC by double clicking the invitation file and then entering the password.

Note: You need to enable remote assistance service.

3. Help someone who invited you : By clicking this option you can provide help to anyone who has done the above task. You will need two things : Invitation file and password to connect remote PC.

Woohooo... Did you know there is another smart option by which you can directly connect to any PC using IP address? If not, well lets learn that too. Yup we can also provide windows remote assistance support using IP address too. Here are options.

1. First of all click on startup and type command "MSRA" and press enter.

2. Now you will see screen where two options are displayed, Select "Help someone who invited you".
3. After that you will see some option, click on the bottom one "Advanced connection option for help desk" as shown below :

Select advanced connection option for help desk
Select advanced connection option for help desk

After clicking option you see below panel to enter IP address:

Enter IP address or computer name
Enter IP address or computer name

After entering IP address press Next to connect to IP address. That's all.

Hope you all enjoyed the learning. If you have any queries ask me in form of comments.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Resetting nokia phones(HARD RESET AND SOFT RESET)

Many people are facing problem with nokia phones. symbians phones have a problem of getting hang and even memory full error. If you are facing these problems very often then you have to reset your phone.

I am showing you how to reset your nokia phone with simplest method:

*#7370# , *#7780# and three buttons reset

*#7780# FOR SOFT-RESET- does not delete user info such as contacts, sms, etc
How to do it:
 at Standby Screen type-in => *#7780#
It will ask for “Restore all phone settings-phone’ll restart….”
Then it asks for security code enter factory default => 12345

*#7370# FOR HARD-RESET- deletes all user info

How to do it:
- at Standby Screen type-in => *#7370#
It will ask for “Restore all phone settings-phone’ll restart….”
Then it asks for security code enter factory default => 12345

FOR FLASHING- TOTAL RESTORE: (Do this if your phone does not boot up) - you can say this one gives you the "New" OS, and of course deletes all user info

How to do it:
1) Remove the battery, and then wait for about 20 min or so before putting it back

2) Press and hold these three keys together -Green dial key, Star key[*], Three key [3]

3) switch ON the phone.

4) Do not let go the three keys until you see the WELCOME screen displayed and just let it complete the boot process